Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Final Preparations

Today is the last day for trip preparations. Our final check list includes:
  • Set up online bill payments
  • Arrange for USPS to hold our mail
  • Pick up Euros from the bank
  • Drop off keys for neighbor to water plants
  • Empty Refrigerator
  • Call family members
  • Buy sleeping pills for plane ride
  • Double check luggage contents
  • Make language translation notes
  • Photocopy passports

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cherry Blossom Festival

The sun is out today with temperatures in the '50s for the opening day of the Cherry Blossom Festival. Washington is inundated with tourists and flowering trees. I especially love walking under a canopy of pink blossoms.

Italian Spring Cake

Italian Spring Cake
The Washington Spring weather has been playing "hide and seek" for the last two days and Marge and I have stayed indoors. With thoughts focused on Italy, we created our version of an "Italian Spring Cake". 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sights in Washington, DC

I spent today sightseeing with visiting friends, Lane and Jim. They are award winning photographers and were searching for the perfect "Cherry Tree" photo. I know they got several good ones at the Tidal Basin. I shot this photo of a tree near the Air and Space Museum. I also came upon Newt and Callista Gingrinch  filming a campaign commercial on the mall with the US Capitol Building as the back drop. You never know who or what you'll see in Washington!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cooking for Friends - Cucinare Per Gli Amici

il cuoca bellissima
Italians define meals as more than just nourishment. A good meal is an expression of love, a celebration of life, and a comfort to the soul. In that spirit, Marge and I have prepared an Italian meal for close friends, Lane and Jim. We created a simple dish of shrimp, asparagus, and penne pasta in a creamy pomodoro sauce! Salad, wine, and fresh strawberries with chocolate fondue round out the menu.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Il Primo Giorno di Primavera - The First Day of Spring!

Today, the first day of Spring, was another warm sunny day in Washington, while weather in Bologna is reported to be just slightly cooler. Both cities are expected to warm nicely over the next 10 days. Marge and I spent most of  today in our condo doing "spring cleaning" and preparing for a visit of overnight guests. Here is the view from our windows of the trees just starting to bloom. The flowering trees and shrubs should be spectacular for next week's start of the Cherry Blossom Festival. I'm certain that the Italian spring scenery will be equally glorious and can't wait to be there!
Godetevi il bel tempo!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Mt Vernon Trail along the Potomac River
One mode of transportation we plan to use on our trip is the bicycle. The Emilia Romagna area is fairly flat and the villages are close together, ideal for bicycling. However, it's been 10 years since Marge competed in a sprint triathlon and six years since we've owned bicycles, so a little training is in order. With sunny weather and temperatures in the '60s we set off in high spirits to ride the trail from Alexandria, VA to Mt Vernon and back. It is a very scenic trail along the west bank of the Potomac River with only a few small hills. The round trip was 30 kilometers which proved to be 5 kilometers too many! I concluded that bicycling from village to village should be limited to 25 kilometers per day while Marge said, "I prefer a Vespa!"
Sono molto stanco!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Practicing Dolce far Niente, Delightful idleness

In preparation for the trip, I feel it's important to get the feel of Italy by practicing Dolce far Niente, the art of delightful idleness. With temperatures in the '70s today in Washington, I'm going to walk downtown and find someplace that resembles an Italian Piazza. (A piazza generally refers to an open pedestrian space, without grass or planting, often in front of a significant building or shops.) I'll buy a slice of pizza and sit outside to read and observe. I don't think public drinking is allowed in DC, so I'll take my own wine in a disguised container.

Smithsonian Castle

The first stop on my search was the Smithsonian Castle where the Spring Garden has been planted and the Magnolia tree blossoms are ready to open. A beautiful historical building with lots of public space and a restaurant inside; but this is a Garden not a Piazza.

Next I strolled over to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
White House on blocked off Pennsylvania Ave.
Lots of paved space, and a very important meeting place, but no restaurants or shops. This is more of a park and a photo opportunity.
Then I walked to the Woodrow Wilson Plaza where during the summer evenings concerts are held. The restaurants weren't open for lunch yet but it was as close to an Italian Piazza as I could find. Still, even with an Italian restaurant and outdoor tables, it just didn't seem Italian.
Woodrow Wilson Plaza

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Italian Risorgimento/Unification Day - 150 Years

Statue of Garibaldi in Padua
Today is “Italian Risorgimento/Unification Day” celebrating 150 years as a modern nation. I wish we were there to celebrate. Marge and I plan to spend a couple of days in Padua and hopefully we'll get to visit this statue of Garibaldi.
I’ve been reading web site commentary on the current issue of “north/south division”. The idea of a “prosperous industrial north looking down on an economically challenged south” is reminiscent of the United States in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Marge and I have no first hand experience with southern Italy, having never traveled south of Florence and Siena. It will be interesting to hear discussions on this topic over wine at the piazza as Bologna is known for it’s socialist/communist politics. I’m sure I’ll feel welcome there.
To celebrate the day I’m going to practice my Italian cooking. Buon appetito.
I’d like to quote a close friend who is Italian, “No matter what they say, Italians are pretty much all alike, and wherever from - north, south or islands - you can tell them from miles. Our traditions/culture make our pride, and I dare you find a Milanese not boasting pizza (from Naples), a Tarantino hating panettone (from Milan) or a Venetian loathing Mirto (from Sardenia - which, btw, is a nice liqueur you should try).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Preparations two weeks prior to departure for Italy.

Marge and Gary in Washington, DC 
With just two weeks prior to our departure for Italy, Marge and I are still making check lists of things to be done. We've studied guide books and films on the Emilia Romagna area as well as Venice. I've reviewed train and bus schedules. We've estimated the Euros needed and notified the credit card companies of the cards we'll use. But the most important item, progress with the multiple language courses we've been studying, seems to have stalled. Our hope is that once there, we'll be forced to learn. Meanwhile, we're watching Italian movies and listening to Italian CDs.