Saturday, March 19, 2011


Mt Vernon Trail along the Potomac River
One mode of transportation we plan to use on our trip is the bicycle. The Emilia Romagna area is fairly flat and the villages are close together, ideal for bicycling. However, it's been 10 years since Marge competed in a sprint triathlon and six years since we've owned bicycles, so a little training is in order. With sunny weather and temperatures in the '60s we set off in high spirits to ride the trail from Alexandria, VA to Mt Vernon and back. It is a very scenic trail along the west bank of the Potomac River with only a few small hills. The round trip was 30 kilometers which proved to be 5 kilometers too many! I concluded that bicycling from village to village should be limited to 25 kilometers per day while Marge said, "I prefer a Vespa!"
Sono molto stanco!

1 comment:

  1. my friend works for these bicycle tour people:
    and another friend owns this company:
